Our vision

We're firmly planted in the 'cautious crypto-optimist' camp. Our ambition? To craft a close-knit community of traders, synergizing technical and quantitative analysis for those golden trading setups. No, we're not here chasing meme-coins or being content with modest 10% annual returns. Our bet is the crypto space itself, as outlined in our Investment Philosophy section.

How do we do this? Imagine a platform where, even if you're not a math prodigy, you wield quantitative finance mathematical tools with finesse. And at the same time, you're involved in a dedicated community, sharing exclusive trading ideas, pooling our strengths and capital to get us great developers, mathematicians, and sharing operational costs amongst other things. The vision? Leveling the financial playing field and empowering each passionate trader in an environment where the ordinary investor thrives.

If this resonates with you, consider this an invitation. We're opening our doors only for a select 500 to begin with, perhaps stretching to 5,000 if the wind's in our favor.

Quick note: If you're operating with less than $3k or more than $500k, this might not be your perfect match. Our strategies thrive in the sweet spot, ensuring liquidity is efficiently allocated for maximum risk-adjusted returns.

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