Trading tactics


On our platform, you'll have a range of trading tactics at your disposal. As our community develop, this range gets increasingly wider. Want a visual representation of potential payoffs from chosen trading setups? Let's get it done together. Want a quant model for your LP? We, and the community, can help get you there. You're in the driver's seat here, selecting what aligns with your strategy.

Our method? Targeting alpha from mispricings linked to market inefficiencies and calculating optimal hedging methods, among other techniques. We'll be hopping between various crypto derivatives, switching between exchanges and platforms, and harnessing market fluctuations using tried-and-true market-making instruments.

In the next page, we will walk you through one example. This is just an appetizer, giving you a feel for one of the trading tactics. Once you're part of our ranks, a broader array of strategies will be available. But for now, we're starting things off simple. Our collection of trading tactics will evolve with the community. Your insights are golden, they will help us hone our platform. But just so you know, we've also got a team simmering in the background, ready to generate more tactics to serve our community.

Last updated